Sunday, January 16, 2011

Musings on a Sunday Evening

It's almost dinner time and I've once again spent a relaxing day. And why not?!? It's the weekend after all. It never fails. I bring home loads of work every Saturday morning, make a list of the things I need to do and now that today is almost over, here I am trying to do a million things at the same time. Oh well, such is life.

It's been an exciting weekend anyhows working on a new look for my living room which is also my library and my dining room. That's what I get for living in a 35 square meter place. But I have no complaints. Better to have my own homey spot rather than a palace that feels empty.

Worked on my little aquarium. Ah! the joys of getting multi-colored fish. I must have felt like I did once many many years ago. Who would have thought I would find my own bit of happiness in a run down little pet shop they call it, that sold only fish, hamsters and a few lovebirds.

The first time I had a fish bowl, it was for 2 goldfish that died in 3 days. That was the end of it...or so I thought.

So I'm staring now at my little aquarium with the little castle. Makes me smile!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Musings on Manny Pacquiao

I am definitely not a fan of boxing. In fact, I do not watch any type of sport unless it's the only thing I can watch on TV. I have not even watched any of the live feeds for Manny.

2 years, 8 titles, 8 levels through different divisions (don't ask me what those divisions are). Today, I believe he is one of the richest men in the Philippines. But how did it all start. I've been on Wikipedia and it gives a very brief background on Manny's life as a kid. How he had to fend for himself at 14 because his mother could not really care for him due to poverty.

But now that he is famous the whole world looks up to him and none other than his countrymen. Even his mom is interviewed during the evening news and weekend afternoon shows. From nobodies to somebodies. If every person who has gone through the same experiences they had could be as lucky as they were then we'd probably all welcome poverty and hardships wholeheartedly. Good luck with that thought.

Just yesterday, there was news that Manny's uncle was a suspect in the murder of a neigbor from Manny's hometown of South Cotobato. The family of the victim are looking to Manny to help them solve the issue.

I guess that would be the mindset here in the Philippines. If you don't have tons and tons of cash you could just be like the trees no one really stops by to admire. But have moolah regardless of who you were before then you'd probably be a magnet for news reporters and whoever.

Yup, I'd like tons of cash..hahaha. Who doesn't right? But I'd like to be a magnet for books rather. I'd like a whole house of books. Anways, that was just a thought I had a while ago.

Monday, November 22, 2010

She Said/He Said

on 9/20/2010

Hi Rich,

I have been conditioning myself to providing closure. It is not as easy as I thought it was. I sent an email to him. It was unbelievably painful doing it. I cried so hard. Now, I know why some people just feel they've lost it all and commit suicide. The one thing I kept on repeating to myself as I was writing was - it's not the end of the world.

Rich, have you ever felt this way? kind of empty? So hollow, so sad. I'll be okay.

As far as serious and loving relationships go, I have always just wanted someone who would really be happy being with me and vice versa. I have not lost my faith in long distance relationships. But at some point, after being together for quite some time, I think one or the other has to spend a bit of time with the other.

I just googled about internet traffic and now I know a bit about it :) It does sound interesting. I like the fact that you love your job. A lot of people don't. I like mine. I just don't love it :) But I do take it seriously.

The Philippines is a 5th world country where 1 out of every 3 people are poor. As you know, the call center business has been booming offshore. Working in a company that can give double or triple the required basic pay has helped a lot of Filipinos, myself included. But we are only a minority. People need good communication skills to be in this business. I am lucky only because I grew up speaking English and started speaking in Tagalog when I was in college.

Being rich is not a qualification I look for. Men who say outright that they are are dubious characters. So you don't need to worry.

It is nice to know you are sensitive too. I am. I know when a person is happy, angry, irritated, afraid, or even doubtful by just observing body nuances, voice patterns, quickness of breath etc. It's taken years of observation for me to do that. And that is so lacking in a lot of people.

Filipinos are naturally shy people. Most will not tell you how they feel. As for me, it depends on the time, place and who I'm talking to. As you can tell now, I am quite at ease with you.

I do like the lyrics you sent from Celine Dion (yes, I am familiar with her and a whole lot of other singers like Justin Bieber...hahaha).

No one is always right. And it does take courage and grace to be humble enough to admit it.

What about my life and my world do you want to know? Can you tell me about yours too?

I'll probably be in the office around 4 pm my time as I have a deadline to meet. Plus, we will have some clients over.


He Said/She Said

On 9/20/2010

Hi again

It would appear as if we have been through many similar experiences. I do know the pain you are talking about and I think that's why I feel as if I can speak so openly to you because you will understand how I feel and know that I understand you. There may be many miles between us and no physical or visual connection but I truly believe that there are wavelengths that people can communicate on that can be felt despite the time, space, distance obstacles and have nothing to do with internet connections. You already know that I am the kind of person that you can feel comfortable with just like you have known for a long while that things can no longer be with your boyfriend. We have a hard time admitting that to ourselves sometimes because that is not what we want or want to hear but we can feel deep down what is true and already know.

I feel that this is going to be a new start for both of us, the turning of a new page and an exciting time to discover a whole new future that up to now we have only dreamed about and hoped for.

I agree with you that long distance relationships can work but I wouldn't want it to be like that. I don't mind getting to know you this way but I would want to chat to you and maybe call you too. I would want and need contact but before all that I would need to trust you and know that you trusted me - that there was something that we both felt and knew existed already between us that we could and would both want to build on. I want a best friend, soul mate, lover, partner in all things - nothing less than total commitment one to the other on which we could build a lifetime relationship and a family unity on this solid foundation. At that point I would need to be with you and so would have to come visit and have you come here too. Then we would decide where we wanted to live and that would be a decision that we would come to together for the best interest of the relationship. Taking into account the needs of each one.

Compromise, communication and a sincere deep love for the other would be essential or we would have nothing. That's how I see things progressing if I ever find a person via these means. How do you feel about that? I think that early on there has to be a sense of commitment that can be built upon or else you have nothing, just a string of empty promises that lead to nothing but disappointment, hurt and sadness. Love is about joy and happiness even through the hard times there should always be the feeling of joy that we have someone to share those hard times with, someone that truly loves us.

I think that you should be so sure of the man's love for you that the possibility of him hurting you couldn't even exist in your mind - which is not the case today and you know that. I am so sorry that you hurt and wish that I could help you in some way with the mixed emotions that you must feel. All I can say is that I do understand, I have felt that way and the hurt does go away. It takes time but it goes. And you will meet someone because of these experiences that you have had that will be very special to you and you will recognise it almost immediately. I don't know how but you will just know that from that point on things were going to be different. You'll just feel it and know.

When you get that feeling you must give yourself the chance to live again and be happy and grab hold of it with both hands. The past is the past, now is now and this is the day that we start our future and it can be anything we want it to be.

You will know that you are loved because the person will put you first and in return you will put him first - and that self less relationship
is rare but it will come your way - of that I am sure.

As for me, I'm a pretty relaxed, laid back kind of person that is looking for that one special person to make me feel complete. The person I need like the air that I breath. I want to love and be loved and have fun.

I think what I would like to know is, have you been married before, have you been divorced, do you have children, are you Christian, and how do you feel about holding hands and kissing in public?

Have a great day - I'll be thinking about you hoping you'll be OK.

Are you ready for a new start? you want to dwell in the past for a little while longer?


He Said/She Said

On 9/19/2010

Hey Marie,

I think that maybe it's time for the hurt and pain to stop and for you to find some genuine man that wouldn't hurt you for the world. One that does what he says he will and one that enjoys talking to you and being with you as much after two or twenty years as he did the first times you started talking to him. You deserve someone that just doesn't feel complete if he's not with you and who become so much a part of your world and a part of you that not being with him just doesn't feel right. It should never be something you are prepared to accept or put up with.

If you can't get closure you need to give it. You have a life to live and maybe there is a man out there just waiting for you to be available to develop a relationship with. I think you need to take control and allow yourself to open up to new horizons and brand new adventures.

As for me, I work on line. I run internet businesses and like to think of myself as a traffic expert for web site traffic - I don't think that is totally true yet but I know that soon I will be considered as an expert by my peers. I enjoy/love my work because it's something I can do anywhere I am in the world. I have always been or worked in business or finance and have worked for banks as an international private client advisor and also as a consultant for international corporate creation and funding.

I am not rich - I have made many mistakes in my life and been, like you, through much pain - but I am a strong person for it and I NEVER give up. I know what I want and what is good for me and as long as it's good for others too I will do what needs to be done.

I am very sensitive to the needs of others and am willing to talk about anything to the one I trust. I really want to know you more and hope that you too feel that you can share things with me. I won't play games and I will always be honest.

I think you are on the verge of a brand new future and a wonderful adventure. I don't know if you like Celine Dion but you make me think of this song.

Don't know much about your life.
Don't know much about your world, but
Don't want to be alone tonight,
On this planet they call earth.

You don't know about my past, and
I don't have a future figured out.
And maybe this is going too fast.
And maybe it's not meant to last,

But what do you say to taking chances,
What do you say to jumping off the edge?
Never knowing if there's solid ground below
Or hand to hold, or hell to pay,
What do you say,
What do you say?

I just want to start again,
And maybe you could show me how to try,
And maybe you could take me in,
Somewhere underneath your skin?

What do you say to taking chances,
What do you say to jumping off the edge?
Never knowing if there's solid ground below
Or hand to hold, or hell to pay,
What do you say,
What do you say?

And I had my heart beaten down,
But I always come back for more, yeah.
There’s nothing like love to pull you up,
When you’re laying down on the floor there.
So talk to me, talk to me,
Like lovers do.
Yeah walk with me, walk with me,
Like lovers do,
Like lovers do.

What do you say to taking chances,
What do you say to jumping off the edge?
Never knowing if there's solid ground below
Or hand to hold, or hell to pay,
What do you say,
What do you say?

Don’t know much about your life
And I don’t know much about your world.

I hope that I can be a part of that adventure and that you look forward to it as much as I do. I also hope that you don't think I'm being too forward. I am not one to play games as I said and I say things as I see them. I am notch always right but I am not ashamed of the way I feel or afraid to express it.

I look forward to getting to know the real you.


She Said/He Said

Hi Rich,

I appreciate your honesty and no, I definitely don't think you are speaking out of turn. I have held on for so long,
I've had high hopes, always thinking and feeling that everything would turn out okay. Hurt and pain is part of a learning
process. I've had a lot of it growing up but it's always made me a better and stronger person.

Closure may never come as you said and I accept it.

You can always write me here. I use this email too when I'm in the office unlike the dating site which I can only open
at home. I'm in the office Mondays thru Fridays 10pm to 7 my time. My schedules are bound to change depending
on what I need to do. I work as a Training and Quality team lead for one of the call centers here.

I would also like to get to know you more - what you do, what your likes are, your interests, your dislikes.
You can probably talk to me about anything under the sun. I am pretty quiet at times and I like to think
about a lot of things. But sensible conversation always perks me up.

Take care,

Sunday, July 4, 2010

A few Of the Countless Reasons I am Thankful I am alive and am Thankful for What I Have...

"When each day is the same as the next; it's because people fail to recognize the good things that hapen in their lives every day that the sun rises."
-The Alchemist by Paolo Coelho

What is the measure of success? Is it the amount of money we have? Is it the level of power we can wield? Is it measured by the vast acres of land one owns? Have we ever thought that success could also be measured by the number of hearts we've touched, kind words that are multiplied a million times over?

If there were reasons for us to feel discontented, I'd say they'd be countless. There would be countless reasons for us to pity ourselves but then we do have countless blessings too.

"So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even when they're busy doing things they think are important. This is because they're chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning."
- Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom

I am totally guilty of this. I need to be reminded from time to time that I am just like anyone else, that I am not above the rest. I, like everyone else, have dreams too but I must not let my dreams get to my head; so much so that I trod on other people's feelings. So let me count a few of the countless blessings that I have for these are what keep my feet firmly on the ground.

I am alive. I get up every morning (or night) and I breathe freely without pain and breathe in fresh air. I know that some no longer wake but rather have gone silently into the night. So I am thankful that I live one more day to share with others the blessings I have.

I breathe fresh air. At times, I breathe in the pollution but then it is nothing compared to what others breathe in. I have seen people living on top of dumpsites and who smell the stench and breathe in the fumes of garbage and other biological wastes. I am thankful that I do not live near a chemical factory and breathe in the cancer inducing fumes.

I have a home. I am thankful I come home to a warm, clean and safe house. That I do not have to worry about where to stay for the night; that I do not have to shield myself from heavy downpours and that I am safe from any criminal element. I am thankful that I come home to people I love and who I love in return because other people do not have this luxury.

I have a bed. I am thankful I have a big and comfortable bed with clean smelling sheets and pillows to ease my aching muscles and creaking bones. I have seen how many lie on the cold, hard, and wet pavement.

I have a kitchen. I am thankful because this only means that I can at anytime cook good food. That I can partake of nourishment and lavish on myself and the people I love, delicacies that many will never get to have in a lifetime. I am thankful that I do not go hungry dear Lord and I know that many go to bed without food and worse die of hunger.

I have clean water. I am thankful that aside from the food I eat, I can drink pure and refreshing water. In some places dear Lord, I know that drought reigns the land, that the fields are parched, that there is not even a single drop of water to relieve the thirst of many.

I have friends and family. I am truly thankful dear Lord that I have people who love and support me; that they are with me through thick and thin; that I am entertained and that I have true friends too who hold my hand and guide me along the right path.

I have work. I am truly thankful for this especially now when the rate of unemployment has risen. I am thankful I earn my keep and am able to enjoy life. Teach me Dearest Lord to always be humble; that I continue to pursue my dreams and yet keep my feet on the ground. For as I am elevated in other people's eyes, it is nothing compared to the tremendous power You have over the universe. I am but an instrument of your goodness and kindness. Remind me Dear Lord that pride always goes before a fall.

I undergo trials and tribulations. I am thankful because only through these will my faith and trust in You be strengthened. When I am out of funds, when my boss is disappointed, when things at work do not go the way I want them to - I am still thankful because it is only Your way of showing me that nothing can be done without Your help.

I am whole in mind, body and spirit. I know of people who have lost limbs, who are sick with schizophrenia or Alzeimer's disease and other disorders. When I am stressed I am thankful that my problems are too small to drive me completely insane. When at times I feel lazy and have to walk to work - I am thankful that I can still do so. I am thankful Dear Lord for the inner strength you have given, for the fortitude to do what is right. I am thankful that I can still hope. Where others have become hopeless, where their spirits have failed, I know my spirit relies only on You.

I am thankful that I still have something even if I think I have almost nothing. Dear Lord, you have always provided for me. I may not have seen it before but I admit I was wrong and that You have been with me through the years, protecting me, providing for me, and guiding me. Let me never think that material things are the bane of my existence.

I have many more to be thankful about. In fact, countless reasons why I should never stop thanking you Dear Lord.