Sunday, January 16, 2011

Musings on a Sunday Evening

It's almost dinner time and I've once again spent a relaxing day. And why not?!? It's the weekend after all. It never fails. I bring home loads of work every Saturday morning, make a list of the things I need to do and now that today is almost over, here I am trying to do a million things at the same time. Oh well, such is life.

It's been an exciting weekend anyhows working on a new look for my living room which is also my library and my dining room. That's what I get for living in a 35 square meter place. But I have no complaints. Better to have my own homey spot rather than a palace that feels empty.

Worked on my little aquarium. Ah! the joys of getting multi-colored fish. I must have felt like I did once many many years ago. Who would have thought I would find my own bit of happiness in a run down little pet shop they call it, that sold only fish, hamsters and a few lovebirds.

The first time I had a fish bowl, it was for 2 goldfish that died in 3 days. That was the end of it...or so I thought.

So I'm staring now at my little aquarium with the little castle. Makes me smile!